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* Index of the First Line of Each Stanza, the Fifth Line of Eight Line Stanzas, and the First Line of the Chorus
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The Christian's Home 37

The Sacred Harp, 2012 Revised Cooper Edition

Composer: Thomas Franklin Sanders, 1960
Alto: Mrs. Euva Priscilla (Renfroe) Sanders, 1960
Poet: Lloyd's The Primitive Hymns, 1858; Alt. Thomas Franklin Sanders, 1960
Meter: Long Meter (8,8,8,8)
Stanza Poetry Source by First Line
Our father dear has gone to rest,
To reign with God forever blest,
His sov'reign tongue will always praise
A Savior's love, redeeming grace.


THE little babe is gone to rest,, Stanza 1
He's gone to his home in glory,
To a mansion bright and fair,
He's gone to his home in glory,
To sing with the angels there.

Could we but hear his sov'reign tongue,
So sweetly sing the heav'nly song;
Could we but see his smiling face,
Delighted with the happy place.


THE little babe is gone to rest,, Stanza 3
We would not wish him back again,
But say, dear one, with God remain
We'll try to gain that peaceful shore,
Where those who meet shall part no more.


THE little babe is gone to rest,, Stanza 4