Location in The Sacred Harp | ||||||
Stanza | Denson | Cooper | ||||
1 |
Lord, now my Sleep does me forsake, The sole possession of me take, Let no vain Fancy me illude, No one impure desire intrude. |
2 |
Blest Angels! While we silent lie, Your Hallelujahs sing on high, You, ever wakeful near the Throne, Prostrate, adore the Three in One. |
3 |
I now awake do with you join, To praise our God in Hymns Divine: With you in Heav'n I hope to dwell, And bid the Night and World farewell. |
4 |
My Soul, when I shake of this dust, Lord, in thy Arms I will entrust; O make me thy peculiar care, Some heav'nly Mansion me prepare. |
5 |
Give me a place at thy Saint's feet, Or some fall'n Angel's vacant seat; I'll strive to sing as loud as they, Who fit above in brighter day. |
6 |
O may I always ready stand, With my Lamp burning in my hand, May I in fight of Heav'n rejoyce, When e'r I hear the Bridegroom's voice. |
7 |
Glory to thee in light array'd, Who light thy dwelling-place hast made, An immense Ocean of bright beams, From thy All-glorious God-head streams. |
8 |
The Sun in its Meridian height, Is very darkness in thy sight: My Soul, O lighten, and enflame, With Thought and Love of thy great Name. |
9 |
Blest Jesu, thou on Heav'n intent, Whole Nights hast in Devotion spent, But I frail Creature, soon am tir'd, And all my Zeal is soon expir'd. |
10 |
My Soul, how canst thou weary grow, Of Anti-dating Heav'n below, In sacred Hymns, and Divine Love, Which will Eternal be above? |
11 |
Shine on me, Lord, new life impart, Fresh ardours kindle in my Heart; One ray of thy Allquickning light, Dispels the sloth and clouds the night. |
12 |
Lord, left the tempter me surprize, Watch over thine own Sacrifice; All loose, all idle Thoughts cast out, And make my very Dreams devout. |
13 |
Praise God, from whom all Blessings flow, Praise him all Creatures here below, Praise him above y' Angelick Host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. |
Old Hundred 49t, Stanza 2 |