Location in The Sacred Harp | ||||||
Stanza | Denson | Cooper | ||||
1 |
Sweet the moments, rich in blessing, Which before the cross I spend; Life and health and peace possessing From the sinner's dying Friend. Here I'll sit, for ever viewing Mercy's streams in streams of blood; Precious drops my soul bedewing, Plead and claim my peace with God. |
Palmetto 54t, Stanza 1 |
2 |
Truly blessed is this station, Low before his cross to lie; While I see divine compassion Floating in his languid eye; Here it is I find my heaven, While upon the Lamb I gaze; Love I much? I've much forgiven, I'm a miracle of grace. |
3 |
Love and grief my heart dividing, With my tears His feet I'll bathe: Constant still in faith abiding, Life deriving from his death. May I still enjoy this feeling, In all need to Jesus go; Prove his wounds each day more healing, And Himself more deeply know. |
4 |
Had I heart to hold its pleasure, Had I tongue to tell its bliss; Could I share with all my treasure, Oh that all my friends were His. Nothing else could quite so charm me, Nor my ev'ry idol hold; Satan now no more can harm me, I've a home in realms of gold. |
Palmetto 54t, Stanza 2 |