Location in The Sacred Harp | ||||||
Stanza | Denson | Cooper | ||||
1 |
Young ladies all attention give, You that in wicked pleasures live, One of your sex the other day, Was snatch'd by death's cold hand away. |
Ester 37t, Stanza 1 |
2 |
This lesson she has left for you, To teach the careless what to do, To seek Jehovah while they live, And everlasting honors give. |
Ester 37t, Stanza 2 |
3 |
A while before this damsel died, Her tongue was speechless bound and tied, At length she opened wide her eyes, And said her tongue was libertiz'd. |
4 |
She call'd her father to her bed, And thus in dying-anguish said: My days on earth, are at an end, My soul is summon'd to attend. |
Ester 37t, Stanza 4 |
5 |
Before Jehovah's burning bar, To hear my awful sentence there; From meeting you have kept your child, To pleasures wanton vain and wild. |
Ester 37t, Stanza 5 (lines 1 & 2) |
6 |
To balls and plays you'd let me go, And dance my soul to pain and woe, And now, dear father, do repent, And read the holy Testament. |
Ester 37t, Stanza 5 (lines 3 & 4) |
7 |
Your head is blossom'd for the grave. You have a previous soul to save. Your children teach to serve the Lord, And worship him with one accord. |
8 |
Her honor'd mother she address'd, Her tears were running down her breast; She grasp'd her tender hand and said, Remember me when I am dead. |
Ester 37t, Stanza 3 |
9 |
Your aged years have roll'd away, And you've sinn'd till the present day. Now take your dying child's advice, And turn from sin and avarice. |
10 |
Before the golden bowl is broke, And life's fair cord receives a stroke, Before death;s banner round you wave, Before your summon'd to the grave. |
11 |
I see no pleasure here on earth, To trace from death back to my birth, That would entice my soul to stay In this vain world of misery. |
12 |
By faith I see the distant shore, Where pleasures reign for evermore; Where songs and seraphims arise, And beam the curtains of the skies. |
13 |
Prepare yourself, O mother dear, For you are now on the frontier, Where everlasting time shall roll Around my poor departed soul. |
14 |
Her weeping brother she address'd, And thus her faltering tongue express'd; Forsake your sips and turn to God. And fear the vengeance of his rod. |
15 |
If not, he'll send you down to hell, Both soul and body, for to dwell Where fiery billows burst and roll Around the never dying soul. |
16 |
Life is the time to seek his face, His gospel mercy and his grace. His arms are now extended wide Towards the guilty, weak and wild. |
17 |
Now give yourselves up to his trust, Before your bodies turn to dust, And while you breathe the vital air, Pour out your precious souls in pray'r. |
18 |
Come Sister Anna, take your leave, Don't break your heart with useless grief. Weak are my limbs which warns my death, Turns down my cheeks & steals my breath. |
19 |
Around my head how angels shine, With sparkling garments long and fine, To soothe my parting spirit here, And wipe away the falling tear. |
20 |
Oh! now my immortal soul shall rise, To God's eternal paradise, Where throngs of angels round him shine They fly at his command divine. |
21 |
My body here must slumbering lie, Till Gabriel's trump shall rend the sky, That in the resurrection day, Heaven and earth shall pass away. |
22 |
I hope you'll meet me far above, Where all is harmony and love, Once more, dear kindred, let me tell, I bid you all a long farewell. |
23 |
At this she closed her eyes in death, And thus resign'd her mortal breath, Under death's solemn pressed shade, That pace this young departing maid. |
24 |
While friends and kindred weep around, To see her corpse laid in the ground, A warning to the human race, For all must go unto that place. |
25 |
'Tis the cold grave where silence reigns, 'Tis death's tremendous dark domains, Young people all a warning take, And from your wicked pleasures break. |