[Main] [Poetry Index]* [Poets] 1991 Denson Revision: [Titles] [Pages] [First Lines]* 2012 Cooper Revision: [Titles] [Pages] [First Lines]*
* Index of the First Line of Each Stanza, the Fifth Line of Eight Line Stanzas, and the First Line of the Chorus
[A], [B], [C], [D], [E], [F], [G], [H], [I], [J], [K], [L], [M], [N], [O], [P], [Q], [R], [S], [T], [U], [V], [W], [X], [Y], [Z]

The Sacred Harp, 1991 (Denson) Edition Poetry First Line Index

"Amid the glories of that world,
The Converted Thief 44
"Before Jehovah's awful bar,
Ester 37t
"Deny thyself, and take thy cross,"
Windham 38b
"Fear not, I am with thee; Oh be not dismayed!
Bellevue 72b
"Jesus Thou Son and heir of heav'n?
The Converted Thief 44
"Lord, remove this grievous blindness,
Villulia 56b
"Mercy, Oh Thou Son of David,"
Charlestown 52b
"The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose,
Bellevue 72b
"When through the deep waters I call thee to go,
Bellevue 72b
"Yet quickly from these scenes of woe
The Converted Thief 44
Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
Jewett 105
A country far from mortal sight,
The Child of Grace 77t
A home in heaven when our friends are fled
Home in Heaven 41
A home in heaven when the faint heart bleeds
Home in Heaven 41
A home in heaven! What a joyful thought,
Home in Heaven 41
A home in heav'n as the sufferer lies
Home in Heaven 41
A land of deepest shade,
Idumea 47b
A story most lovely I'll tell,
The Lovely Story 104
A few more days, or years at most,
Sweet Rivers 61
Adieu, ye proud, ye light and gay,
The Church's Desolation 89
Afflictions, tho' they seem severe,
The Prodigal Son 113
Agonizing in the garden,
Beach Spring 81t
Ah! we're much to blame, We're all the same -
Dull Care 98
Ah! we're much to blame, We're all the same -
Dull Care 98
All hail the pow'r of Jesus' name!
Coronation 63
All her merchants stand with wonder,
Babylon Is Fallen 117
All is vain unless the Spirit
Holy Manna 59
Although he no relenting felt
The Prodigal Son 113
Am I a soldier of the cross,
Christian Soldier 57
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound!
Jewett 105
Amazing grace! how sweet the sound,
New Britain 45t
An everlasting temple,
Holy City 101b
And am I born to die?
Idumea 47b
And has religion left the Church
The Church's Desolation 89
And let this feeble body fail,
Animation 103
And now I'm bound for Canaan,
Carnsville 109
And now, my friends, both old and young,
Parting Hand 62
And now, my friends, both old and young,
Farewell to All 69b
And since it is God's holy will,
Parting Hand 62
And still to heighten our distress,
Mear 49b
And thou refulgent orb of day,
The Last Words of Copernicus 112
And when I close my eyes in death,
Pisgah 58
Are there no foes for me to face?
Christian Soldier 57
As on the cross the Savior hung,
The Converted Thief 44
Ashamed of Jesus! just as soon
Corinth 32t
Ashamed of Jesus, sooner far
Corinth 32t
Ashamed of Jesus, that dear Friend
Corinth 32t
Babylon is fallen, is fallen, is fallen,
Babylon Is Fallen 117
Be dead my heart, to worldly charms,
Sharpsburg 39b
Beside the gospel pool,
The Gospel Pool 34t
Blest Jesus while in mortal flesh
Sharpsburg 39b
Blow the trumpet in Mount Zion,
Babylon Is Fallen 117
Blow ye the trumpet blow,
Lenox 40
Brethren, join your cries to help them;
Holy Manna 59
Brethren, see poor sinners 'round you,
Holy Manna 59
Brethren, we have met to worship,
Holy Manna 59
Broad is the road that leads to death
Windham 38b
Buried in sorrow and in sin,
Primrose 47t
But if my life be spared awhile,
Poland 86
But many cry, "It's all disorder,"
Fulfillment 102
But now I am a soldier,
The Morning Trumpet 85
But now I have a deeper stroke
Columbus 67
But now I meet them as the rest,
Columbus 67
But now my heart's so careless grown,
Columbus 67
But Oh the sad and awful state,
Day of Worship 60
But One can yet perform the deed;
Frozen Heart 93
But when I come to bid adieu
Vale of Sorrow 83t
But whither can I go?
The Gospel Pool 34t
But with our blessed holy Lord
Parting Hand 62
By my complaint is bitter now,
Columbus 67
Come humble sinner in whose breast
Never Part 94
Come, all my dear brethren, and help me to sing,
Heaven's My Home 119
Come, brethren, ye that love the Lord,
Nashville 64
Come, brothers and sisters who love one another,
Union 116
Come, Holy Spirit come,
Abbeville 33b
Come, humble sinner, in whose breast
Fairfield 29t
Come, Oh Thou traveler unknown,
Vernon 95
Come, sound His praise abroad,
St. Thomas 34b
Come, we who love the Lord,
Webster 31b
Come, worship at His throne,
St. Thomas 34b
Come, ye sinners, poor and needy,
Beach Spring 81t
Come, ye that love the Lord,
Albion 52t
Comfort those who weep and mourn;
Gainsville 70t
Could we but climb where Moses stood,
Jordan 66
Cry Amen, pray on
Desire For Piety 76b
Daniel's wisdom may I know,
Holiness 76t
Dear bow'r, where the pine and the poplar have spread,
The Bower of Prayer 100
Dear bower I must leave you and bid you adieu,
The Bower of Prayer 100
Dear father, you've been kind to me,
Sister's Farewell 55
Dear friends, farewell! I do you tell,
Minister's Farewell 69t
Dear name! the rock on which I build,
Ortonville 68b
Dear people we have met today,
Day of Worship 60
Dear sister, thou art left alone,
Sister's Farewell 55
Dearest sister, thou hast left us,
Stockwood 118
Death, like an overflowing stream,
Mortality 50t
Death, 'tis a melancholy day
Tribulation 29b
Did Christ o'er sinners weep?
Weeping Savior 33t
Do not I love Thee from my soul?
Detroit 39t
Do not I love Thee, Oh my Lord?
Detroit 39t
Don't you feel like going home,
My Home 51
Dost Thou ask me who I am?
King of Peace 74b
Eternal Spirit, deign to be
Canaan's Land 101t
Eternal Spirit, we confess,
Journey Home 111t
Extol the Lamb of God,
Lenox 40
Far as Thy name is known,
Aylesbury 28t
Far from home thy footsteps stray;
The Traveler 108b
Farewell to sin and sorrow,
The Morning Trumpet 85
Farewell, dear brothers, fare you well,
Sister's Farewell 55
Farewell, my brethren in the Lord,
The Weary Soul 72t
Farewell, my dear brethren, the time is at hand,
Imandra 45b
Farewell, vain world, I'm going home,
Service of the Lord 80b
Father, if I may call Thee so,
Kedron 48b
Firm as His throne His promise stands
The Enquirer 74t
For Jesus my Saviour oft deigned to meet,
The Bower of Prayer 100
For sov'reign pow'r reign not alone,
Samaria 26
Gird on the gospel armor
The Morning Trumpet 85
Gird on the gospel armor
Ecstasy 106
Go on, go on, we'll soon be there;
We'll Soon Be There 97
God of my life, look gently down,
Poland 86
Grace all the work shall crown
Ninety-Third Psalm 31t
Grace first contrived the way
Ninety-Third Psalm 31t
Grace taught my wand'ring feet
Ninety-Third Psalm 31t
Grace! 'Tis a charming sound,
Ninety-Third Psalm 31t
Grant that all may seek and find
Humility 50b
Grant that all may seek and find
Gainsville 70t
Great was his exultation,
Edmonds 115
Hail the blessed Lamb,
The Blessed Lamb 54
Hail the day so long expected,
Babylon Is Fallen 117
Hail, the holy Prince of Peace!
Cookham 81b
Hark! How the gospel trumpet sounds!
Gospel Trumpet 99
Hark! the Herald angels sing,
Cookham 81b
He dies, the friend of sinners dies!
Salem 68t
He formed the deeps unknown;
St. Thomas 34b
He had not consolation,
Edmonds 115
He left His exalted abode,
The Lovely Story 104
He saw his son returning back,
The Prodigal Son 113
He seems a mighty conqu'ror,
Holy City 101b
He sends His word, and melts the snow,
Winter 38t
He wept that we might weep;
Weeping Savior 33t
Heav'n's my home,
Heaven's My Home 119
Her honored mother she addressed,
Ester 37t
High as the heav'ns are raised,
America 36t
His body bore anguish and pain,
The Lovely Story 104
His crimes, with inward grief and shame,
The Converted Thief 44
His hoary frost, His fleecy snow,
Winter 38t
His name yields the sweetest perfume,
Edgefield 82b
His pow'r subdues our sins,
America 36t
His prayer the dying Jesus hears,
The Converted Thief 44
His promises are faithful -
The Morning Trumpet 85
How can I bear to journey where
Minister's Farewell 69t
How decent and how wise!
Aylesbury 28t
How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord,
Bellevue 72b
How happy's ev'ry child of grace,
The Child of Grace 77t
How oft I've seen your flowing tears,
Parting Hand 62
How sweet the hours have passed away
Parting Hand 62
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
Ortonville 68b
How sweet were the zephyrs, perfum'd by the pine,
The Bower of Prayer 100
How tedious and tasteless the hours
Edgefield 82b
I am bound to live in the service of the Lord,
Service of the Lord 80b
I am done with the world,
Done With the World 88t
I came to Jesus and I drank
I Would See Jesus 75
I can but perish if I go,
Fairfield 29t
I feel like
Saint's Delight 114
I forward go in duty's way,
Columbus 67
I heard the voice of Jesus say,
I Would See Jesus 75
I heard the voice of Jesus say,
I Would See Jesus 75
I hope that I shall meet you there
The Weary Soul 72t
I hope the Lord will you reward
Minister's Farewell 69t
I hope you'll all remember me
Parting Hand 62
I hope you'll all remember me,
Farewell to All 69b
I long, dearest Lord, in Thy beauties to shine,
Heaven's My Home 119
I looked to Jesus and I found
I Would See Jesus 75
I love my blessed Savior,
Carnsville 109
I love to meet Thy people now,
Few Happy Matches 96
I once could mourn o'er dying men,
Columbus 67
I tremble, lest the wrath divine,
Kedron 48b
I trust you'll pray both night and day,
Minister's Farewell 69t
I would see Jesus when the flow'rs
I Would See Jesus 75
I'll go and tell him what I've done,
The Prodigal Son 113
I'm going home to Christ above;
To Die No More 111b
I'd rise superior to my pain,
Sweet Rivers 61
If I arrive there, then, before you do,
The Old Ship of Zion 79
I'll go to Jesus, though my sin
Fairfield 29t
I'll join with those who've gone before,
Sweet Canaan 87
I'm but a sojourner below,
Poland 86
I'm not ashamed to own my Lord
Arlington 73b
I'm not ashamed to own my Lord
The Enquirer 74t
I'm on my journey home to the new Jerusalem,
Jerusalem 53
I'm on my way to Canaan,
Bound For Canaan 82t
In Thine own appointed way
Gainsville 70t
In Thine own appointed way,
Humility 50b
In vain Thou strugglest to get free,
Vernon 95
In vain to heav'n she lifts her eyes,
Tribulation 29b
Is there no kind, no healing art,
Distress 32b
Is this the Man of sorrows
Holy City 101b
Is there here a trembling jailer,
Holy Manna 59
It is no world of trouble,
Holy City 101b
It makes the wounded spirit whole,
Ortonville 68b
Jesus can make a dying bed
Prospect 30b
Jesus, and shall it ever be,
Corinth 32t
Jesus, grant us all a blessing,
Shouting Song 80t
Jesus, my all to heav'n is gone,
Jerusalem 53
Jesus, my all, to heav'n is gone,
Save, Mighty Lord 70b
Jesus, my all, to heav'n is gone,
Done With the World 88t
Jesus, my God! I know His name;
Arlington 73b
Jesus, my God! I know His name;
The Enquirer 74t
Jesus, pardon all our follies,
Shouting Song 80t
Jesus, the name that calms my fears,
Mount Zion 88b
Jesus, Thou art all compassion,
Love Divine 30t
Jesus, Thou art the sinner's friend,
Pisgah 58
Let cares like a wild deluge come,
Saint's Delight 114
Let cares, like a wild deluge, come,
Primrose Hill 43
Let gentle patience smile on pain,
Distress 32b
Let not conscience make you linger,
Beach Spring 81t
Let persecution rage around,
The Dying Minister 83b
Let those refuse to sing
Webster 31b
Let those refuse to sing
Albion 52t
Let us all then with angels sing,
Cookham 81b
Let us love our God supremely,
Holy Manna 59
Life is the hour that God has giv'n,
Wells 28b
Life is the time to serve the Lord,
Wells 28b
Lo! glad I come, and thou, blest Lamb,
Jerusalem 53
Lo! th'incarnate God ascended,
Beach Spring 81t
Lord, I cannot let Thee go,
King of Peace 74b
Lord, in the morning Thou shalt hear
Holcombe 77b
Lord, let not all my hopes be vain,
Windham 38b
Lord, on Thee our souls depend;
Gainsville 70t
Lord, shed a beam of heav'nly day,
Frozen Heart 93
Lord, we come before Thee now,
Humility 50b
Lord, we come before Thee now,
Gainsville 70t
Love divine, all love excelling,
Love Divine 30t
Make not increasing gold your trust,
Samaria 26
Many for his crying chid him,
Charlestown 52b
May the grace of Christ our Savior,
Columbiana 56t
Melt, melt this frozen heart;
Abbeville 33b
Mercy Oh Thou Son of David,
Villulia 56b
Mine will the profit be,
Abbeville 33b
Money was not what he wanted,
Villulia 56b
Must I be carried to the skies
Christian Soldier 57
My brethren all, on you I call,
Look Out 90
My brother preachers, fare you well,
The Dying Minister 83b
My Christian friends, in bonds of love,
Parting Hand 62
My crimes, though great, cannot surpass
Cusseta 73t
My gracious Master and my God,
Mount Zion 88b
My loving mother, fare you well,
Sister's Farewell 55
My soul forsakes her vain delight
Leander 71
My soul repeat His praise,
America 36t
My spirit looks to God alone,
Samaria 26
My spirit looks to God alone,
Russia 107
My youthful friends, in Christian ties,
Parting Hand 62
My raptured soul shall drink and feast
Sweet Rivers 61
Neither will He upbraid you,
The Morning Trumpet 85
Neither will He upbraid you,
Ecstasy 106
No chilling winds, or pois'nous breath,
Sweet Prospect 65
No longer will I ask your love,
Leander 71
No prophet speaks to calm our grief,
Mear 49b
No; He will put His strength in me,
Columbus 67
Now shall my soul be lifted high,
Assurance 91
O had I wings,
Ecstasy 106
O Lord, prevent it by Thy grace,
Few Happy Matches 96
O'er all those wide extended plains,
Sweet Prospect 65
Oh Breath of life, breathe on my soul!
Frozen Heart 93
Oh Canaan, sweet Canaan,
Sweet Canaan 87
Oh Christians, praise Him,
Mount Zion 88b
Oh come, loud anthems let us sing,
Old Hundred 49t
Oh could I stay with friends so kind,
Parting Hand 62
Oh could we make our doubts remove,
Jordan 66
Oh did my dear Jesus thus bleed,
The Lovely Story 104
Oh do not be discouraged,
The Morning Trumpet 85
Oh for a breeze of heav'nly love
Canaan's Land 101t
Oh for a closer walk with God,
Bethel 27
Oh for a thousand tongues to sing
Mount Zion 88b
Oh glorious day! Oh blessed hope!
Parting Hand 62
Oh have you ventured to the field,
Clamanda 42
Oh if my Lord would come and meet,
Prospect 30b
Oh may the Spirit guide my feet
Holcombe 77b
Oh may we all together meet,
Sister's Farewell 55
Oh that this dry and barren ground
Nashville 64
Oh that with yonder sacred throng,
Coronation 63
Oh what are all my suff'rings here,
Animation 103
Oh when shall I see Jesus
Bound For Canaan 82t
Oh when shall I see Jesus,
The Morning Trumpet 85
Oh who will come and go with me?
Sweet Canaan 87
Oh, come and go with me;
Journey Home 111t
Oh, come, trav'ler, haste away,
The Traveler 108b
Oh, do not be discouraged,
Ecstasy 106
Oh, for the pinions of a dove
Leander 71
Oh, I die with hunger, here he cries,
The Prodigal Son 113
Oh, if my Lord would come and meet,
To Die No More 111b
Oh, once I had a glorious view
Columbus 67
Oh, save mighty Lord,
Save, Mighty Lord 70b
Oh, the transporting rapt'rous scene,
My Home 51
Oh, the transporting, rapt'rous scene,
Sweet Prospect 65
Oh, what a blessed hope is ours
The Child of Grace 77t
Oh, what immortal joys I felt,
Columbus 67
Oh, when shall I see Jesus,
Ecstasy 106
Oh, who will come and go with me,
We'll Soon Be There 97
Oh, who will come and go with me?
Journey Home 111t
On Jordan's stormy banks I stand,
My Home 51
On Jordan's stormy banks I stand,
Sweet Prospect 65
On the left hand, where He doth work,
Columbus 67
On Thy dear cross I fix my eyes,
Sharpsburg 39b
Once I could joy the saints to meet,
Columbus 67
Once she was all alive to Thee
The Church's Desolation 89
Our age to sev'nty years is set;
Mortality 50t
Our bondage it shall end
Saints Bound For Heaven 35
Our deliverer He shall come
Saints Bound For Heaven 35
Peace He brings you by His death,
Weeping Sinners 108t
Peaceful be thy silent slumber,
Stockwood 118
Poor sinners may deride me,
Carnsville 109
Remember you are hast'ning on
Liverpool 37b
Remember the pure word of grace,
Pisgah 58
Return Oh holy Dove, return,
Bethel 27
Rise my soul and stretch thy wings,
Amsterdam 84
Rising tempest sweeps the sky,
The Traveler 108b
Rivers to the ocean run,
Amsterdam 84
Salvation! let the echo fly
Primrose 47t
Salvation, Oh the joyful sound,
Primrose 47t
Say, "Live forever, glorious King,
Salem 68t
Say, now ye lovely social band,
Clamanda 42
See how the Scriptures are fulfilling,
Fulfillment 102
See the happy spirits waiting
The Blessed Lamb 54
See they whisper; Hark! they call me,
The Blessed Lamb 54
See what a living stone
Stafford 78
See our fathers, see our mothers,
Holy Manna 59
See, He lays His glory by;
Cookham 81b
Send some message from Thy word
Gainsville 70t
Shall join the disembodied saints,
Animation 103
Shall we ever meet again at the house,
Let Us Sing 46
She called her father to her bed,
Ester 37t
She landed all who have gone before,
The Old Ship of Zion 79
Should earth against my soul engage,
Ninety-Fifth 36b
Should earth against my soul engage,
Primrose Hill 43
Should earth against my soul engage,
Saint's Delight 114
Shout, Oh glory! for I shall mount above the skies,
The Morning Trumpet 85
Shout, Oh glory! Sing glory, hallelujah!
Shouting Song 80t
Shout, shout for glory,
Jewett 105
Show pity, Lord, Oh Lord, forgive;
Cusseta 73t
Sister, thou wast mild and lovely,
Stockwood 118
Sisters, will you join and help us?
Holy Manna 59
So a soul that's born of God
Amsterdam 84
So fades the lovely blooming flow'r,
Distress 32b
So shall my walk be close with God,
Bethel 27
Some few, like good Elijah stand,
The Church's Desolation 89
Some tell us that praying, and also that praising
Union 116
Soon as from earth I go,
Idumea 47b
Sun and moon and stars decay;
Amsterdam 84
Supported by His power,
Carnsville 109
Sure I must fight if I would reign;
Christian Soldier 57
Sweet angels beckon me away,
Service of the Lord 80b
Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood,
Jordan 66
Sweet is the day of sacred rest;
Devotion 48t
Sweet rivers of redeeming love
Sweet Rivers 61
Teach us, Oh Lord, how frail is man;
Mortality 50t
Tell them all about the Savior,
Holy Manna 59
Ten thousand fall before Jehovah,
Fulfillment 102
Ten thousand times ten thousand
Edmonds 115
The book that's called the Bible,
Edmonds 115
The dearest idol I have known,
Bethel 27
The early shrill notes of the loved nightingale
The Bower of Prayer 100
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
New Britain 45t
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow,
Jewett 105
The fearful soul that tires and faints
Windham 38b
The glorious light of Zion
Burk 92
The glorious time is rolling on,
Nashville 64
The glory of King Jesus
Burk 92
The God that rules on high,
Webster 31b
The God we worship now,
Aylesbury 28t
The gospel calls on Zion's walls,
Look Out 90
The gospel trumpet hear,
Lenox 40
The gospel trumpets now are blowing
Fulfillment 102
The husband is commanded
Edmonds 115
The King's highway of holiness,
Save, Mighty Lord 70b
The living know that they must die,
Wells 28b
The Lord has promised good to me,
New Britain 45t
The Lord has promised good to me,
Jewett 105
The Lord into His garden comes,
Nashville 64
The men of grace have found
Albion 52t
The only circumstance of life
Dull Care 98
The pains, the groans, the dying strife,
Prospect 30b
The pleasing time is hast'ning,
Carnsville 109
The Son of God in tears
Weeping Savior 33t
The time is swiftly rolling on,
The Dying Minister 83b
The way the holy prophets went,
Jerusalem 53
The way the holy prophets went,
Save, Mighty Lord 70b
The winds may blow and the billows may foam,
The Old Ship of Zion 79
The woman is commanded
Edmonds 115
The woman is commanded
Edmonds 115
The year of Jubilee is come;
Lenox 40
Their joys are still increasing,
Holy City 101b
Then shall I see, and hear, and know
Devotion 48t
Then shall I share a glorious part,
Devotion 48t
Then will He own my worthless name
The Enquirer 74t
Then will I tell to sinners 'round,
Jerusalem 53
Then He'll call us home to heaven,
Holy Manna 59
There I shall bathe my weary soul
Ninety-Fifth 36b
There I shall bathe my weary soul
Primrose Hill 43
There I shall bathe my weary soul
Saint's Delight 114
There is a holy city,
Holy City 101b
There is a land of pure delight,
Jordan 66
There was Joshua and Joseph, Elias and Moses,
Union 116
There was old father Noah, and ten thousand more,
Union 116
There was Simeon and Anna, and I don't know how many,
Union 116
There's nothing 'round this spacious earth
Leander 71
Think of the tribes so dearly bought
Mear 49b
This is the way I long have sought,
Jerusalem 53
This lesson she has left for you,
Ester 37t
This woman was not taken
Edmonds 115
This woman was not taken
Edmonds 115
This woman, she was taken
Edmonds 115
This woman, she was taken
Edmonds 115
Thou didst once a wretch behold,
King of Peace 74b
Thou know'st I love Thee, dearest Lord,
Detroit 39t
Thou Man of grief, remember me,
Kedron 48b
Thou wondrous advocate with God,
Pisgah 58
Though chilling winds and beating rains,
The Weary Soul 72t
Though our enemies are strong,
Saints Bound For Heaven 35
Through grace I feel determined
The Morning Trumpet 85
Through many dangers, toils and snares,
New Britain 45t
Through many dangers, toils and snares,
Jewett 105
Thus may we abide in union
Columbiana 56t
Thus we'll surround the great white throne,
Sister's Farewell 55
Thy blood, dear Jesus, once was spilt
Gospel Trumpet 99
Thy pow'r conveys our blessings down,
Journey Home 111t
Tis my desire with God to walk,
Desire For Piety 76b
Tis the old ship of Zion, hallelu, hallelu;
The Old Ship of Zion 79
To hear the sorrows Thou hast felt,
Frozen Heart 93
To leave my dear friends, and with neighbors part,
The Bower of Prayer 100
To see the saints in glory,
Burk 92
Trav'ler haste, the night comes on,
The Traveler 108b
Trust Him ye saints in all your ways,
Samaria 26
Trust Him, ye saints, in all your ways,
Russia 107
Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
New Britain 45t
Waked by the trumpet sound,
Idumea 47b
We feel the resurrection near,
The Child of Grace 77t
Weeping sinners, dry your tears,
Weeping Sinners 108t
Well may Thy servants mourn, my God,
The Church's Desolation 89
We'll more faithful be Than formerly,
Dull Care 98
We're marching through Immanuel's ground,
Never Part 94
What have I gained by sin, he said,
The Prodigal Son 113
What peaceful hours I once enjoyed!
Bethel 27
What shall I do? Shall I lie down
Columbus 67
What ship is this that will take us all home,
The Old Ship of Zion 79
What solemn sound the ear invades,
Mount Vernon 110
When Adam was created,
Edmonds 115
When age, old creeping age comes on,
Dull Care 98
When friends I cherish most are near,
I Would See Jesus 75
When I can read my title clear
Saint's Delight 114
When I can read my title clear,
Ninety-Fifth 36b
When I can read my title clear,
Primrose Hill 43
When I get home to that bright world,
Sister's Farewell 55
When shall I be delivered
Bound For Canaan 82t
When shall I be delivered
The Morning Trumpet 85
When Thou, my righteous Judge, shall come
Few Happy Matches 96
When we've this in store, We have much more,
Dull Care 98
When yonder shining orders,
Carnsville 109
Whene'er you meet with troubles
Ecstasy 106
Whene'er you meet with troubles,
The Morning Trumpet 85
Where is the blessedness I knew,
Bethel 27
Where once Thy churches prayed and sang
Mear 49b
Where shall our nation turn its eye,
Mount Vernon 110
While here in the valley of conflict I stay,
Heaven's My Home 119
While in this vale of sorrow,
Vale of Sorrow 83t
Why should the rich despise the poor?
Dull Care 98
Why should we at our lot complain,
Dull Care 98
Why should we start and fear to die?
Prospect 30b
Why should we start, and fear to die?
To Die No More 111b
Will God forever cast us off?
Mear 49b
With joy and thanksgiving we'll praise Him who loved us,
Union 116
With such religion doth remain,
The Church's Desolation 89
Ye chosen seed of Israel's race,
Coronation 63
Ye golden lamps of heav'n farewell,
The Last Words of Copernicus 112
Ye mourning souls, lift up your eyes
Parting Hand 62
Ye weary, heavy-laden souls
The Weary Soul 72t
Yet again we hope to meet thee,
Stockwood 118
Yet may we meet and be complete,
Sister's Farewell 55
Yet save a trembling sinner, Lord,
Cusseta 73t
Young ladies, all attention give,
Ester 37t
Young people, all attention give,
Liverpool 37b
Your company's sweet, your union dear,
Parting Hand 62